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MacCaw By Göke

The Rainforest Collection

Photographer | Digital Artist
Napa, CA

Juan Carlos Göke

After decades of having a significant role in the entertainment industry and living throughout the world, Juan Carlos Göke has settled into his home and studio, nestled amidst the vineyards and rolling hills of Napa, California.  While an accomplished artist in several mediums, he is currently focused on photography and the use of AI.  His goal is to share not only the beauty of nature he has experienced, but also the story of human relations including humor and the lighter aspects of today’s world.

Juan Carlos stands at the vanguard of an artistic evolution, when human creativity meets the transformative power of technology. His vision is clear—to craft visual experiences using the tools recently available through artificial intelligence which Juan Carlos had a role in developing.  His interest in conservation and his travels throughout the world have given him a portfolio of materials with which to encourage the preservation of the worlds natural resources.

In the words of Göke himself, “Art is the search for what is beyond the seen, and I am merely a conduit between the canvas of today and the canvas of tomorrow.”